Christmas 2008

I started making these annual Christmas pages in 2011- Now, more than a decade later, I am trying to assemble prior years. This is best I could do for 2008. Maybe someone will remind me of important family events in 2008 and it’ll prompt me to add more

My mom celebrated her 80th birthday with the family (and not the people in the mirror) at a restaurant in Fenwick Island, Delaware.
Beto got a new pony – Cricket!
Seth at Camp Ockanickon with Troop 711.
He’s actually aiming at a target to the right.
Enjoying a moment with Beto on the East Coast of Florida
For Seth’s 15th birthday, we went on a multi-stop camping road-trip beach-mountain vacation that started on Ocean City and ended at Cunningham Falls.
Enjoying a moment with Beto at Hunting Creek Lake
at Cunningham Falls. Seth was a little under the weather.